Doraemon Season 3 Episode 15
Famous Painting Checker
While Nobita and his friends are at Suneo's house admiring Pablo Picasso's paintings Suneo's father bought, Nobita observed the most expensive one and finds it similar to one he drawn in the past, to which Suneo rebuked. After finding the drawing, Doraemon assumed he copied the work of Picasso's, but Nobita insisted that it is coincidental that both are similar. Doraemon decided to check for the sendimental value using the "Famous Painting Checker". After screening the drawing, the machine explained that it is worthless in the future, but very valuable in year 1944's Europe. As there is no such painting then, Nobita decided to take the drawing to that era despite the ongoing World War II then. Once they reached 1944's Europe, they saved a girl, who turns out to be Picasso's granddaughter, and reveals that Picasso was forced to draw a painting by a Nazi soldier in his mansion. Doraemon eats “Hitler's Pills" which gives him the authority to order the Nazi soldiers to leave. Nobita's drawing was discovered by the girl who claims that it is drawn by her younger brother, Tonio, who was killed in a blast sometime ago, and Picasso stopped drawing since then over the loss of his grandson. Upon seeing the drawing, Picasso picked up the paintbrush and made some adjustments to the drawing, the end result of which resembles what Nobita saw of Picasso's painting in Suneo's house. He explained that Tonio drew a similar work at the age of three, and Nobita's drawing helped him to revive the passion of drawing. The episodes end with Nobita drawing Shizuka in Picasso's style, thinking in his mind that it is him who originally produced Picasso's main drawing.
- 3 - 152Episode 152Dec. 25, 1981
- 3 - 151Episode 151Dec. 25, 1981
- 3 - 150Episode 150Dec. 18, 1981
- 3 - 149Episode 149Dec. 18, 1981
- 3 - 148Episode 148Dec. 11, 1981
- 3 - 147Episode 147Dec. 11, 1981
- 3 - 146Episode 146Dec. 04, 1981
- 3 - 145Episode 145Dec. 04, 1981
- 3 - 144Episode 144Nov. 27, 1981
- 3 - 143Episode 143Nov. 27, 1981
- 3 - 142Episode 142Nov. 20, 1981
- 3 - 141Episode 141Nov. 20, 1981
- 3 - 140Episode 140Nov. 13, 1981
- 3 - 139Episode 139Nov. 13, 1981
- 3 - 138Episode 138Nov. 06, 1981
- 3 - 137Episode 137Nov. 06, 1981
- 3 - 136Episode 136Oct. 30, 1981
- 3 - 135Episode 135Oct. 30, 1981
- 3 - 134Episode 134Oct. 23, 1981
- 3 - 133Episode 133Oct. 23, 1981
- 3 - 132Episode 132Oct. 16, 1981
- 3 - 131Episode 131Oct. 16, 1981
- 3 - 130Episode 130Oct. 09, 1981
- 3 - 129Episode 129Oct. 09, 1981
- 3 - 128Episode 128Oct. 02, 1981
- 3 - 127Episode 127Oct. 02, 1981
- 3 - 126Episode 126Sep. 23, 1981
- 3 - 125Episode 125Sep. 22, 1981
- 3 - 124Episode 124Sep. 21, 1981
- 3 - 123Episode 123Sep. 16, 1981
- 3 - 122Episode 122Sep. 15, 1981
- 3 - 121Episode 121Sep. 14, 1981
- 3 - 120Episode 120Sep. 09, 1981
- 3 - 119Episode 119Sep. 08, 1981
- 3 - 118Episode 118Sep. 07, 1981
- 3 - 117Episode 117Sep. 02, 1981
- 3 - 116Episode 116Sep. 01, 1981
- 3 - 115Episode 115Aug. 31, 1981
- 3 - 114Episode 114Aug. 26, 1981
- 3 - 113Episode 113Aug. 25, 1981
- 3 - 112Episode 112Aug. 24, 1981
- 3 - 111Episode 111Aug. 19, 1981
- 3 - 110Episode 110Aug. 18, 1981
- 3 - 109Episode 109Aug. 17, 1981
- 3 - 108Episode 108Aug. 12, 1981
- 3 - 107Episode 107Aug. 11, 1981
- 3 - 106Episode 106Aug. 10, 1981
- 3 - 105Episode 105Aug. 05, 1981
- 3 - 104Episode 104Aug. 04, 1981
- 3 - 103Episode 103Aug. 03, 1981
- 3 - 102Episode 102Jul. 29, 1981
- 3 - 101Episode 101Jul. 28, 1981
- 3 - 100Episode 100Jul. 27, 1981
- 3 - 99Episode 99Jul. 22, 1981
- 3 - 98Episode 98Jul. 21, 1981
- 3 - 97Episode 97Jul. 20, 1981
- 3 - 96Episode 96Jul. 15, 1981
- 3 - 95Episode 95Jul. 14, 1981
- 3 - 94Episode 94Jul. 13, 1981
- 3 - 93Episode 93Jul. 08, 1981
- 3 - 92Episode 92Jul. 07, 1981
- 3 - 91Episode 91Jul. 06, 1981
- 3 - 90Episode 90Jul. 01, 1981
- 3 - 89Episode 89Jun. 30, 1981
- 3 - 88Episode 88Jun. 29, 1981
- 3 - 87Episode 87Jun. 24, 1981
- 3 - 86Episode 86Jun. 23, 1981
- 3 - 85Episode 85Jun. 22, 1981
- 3 - 84Episode 84Jun. 17, 1981
- 3 - 83Episode 83Jun. 16, 1981
- 3 - 82Episode 82Jun. 15, 1981
- 3 - 81Episode 81Jun. 10, 1981
- 3 - 80Episode 80Jun. 09, 1981
- 3 - 79Episode 79Jun. 08, 1981
- 3 - 78Episode 78Jun. 03, 1981
- 3 - 77Episode 77Jun. 02, 1981
- 3 - 76Episode 76Jun. 01, 1981
- 3 - 75Episode 75May. 27, 1981
- 3 - 74Episode 74May. 26, 1981
- 3 - 73Episode 73May. 25, 1981
- 3 - 72Episode 72May. 20, 1981
- 3 - 71Episode 71May. 19, 1981
- 3 - 70Episode 70May. 18, 1981
- 3 - 69Episode 69May. 13, 1981
- 3 - 68Episode 68May. 12, 1981
- 3 - 67Episode 67May. 11, 1981
- 3 - 66Episode 66May. 06, 1981
- 3 - 65Episode 65May. 05, 1981
- 3 - 64Episode 64May. 04, 1981
- 3 - 63Episode 63Apr. 29, 1981
- 3 - 62Episode 62Apr. 28, 1981
- 3 - 61Episode 61Apr. 27, 1981
- 3 - 60Episode 60Apr. 22, 1981
- 3 - 59Episode 59Apr. 21, 1981
- 3 - 58Episode 58Apr. 20, 1981
- 3 - 57Episode 57Apr. 15, 1981
- 3 - 56Episode 56Apr. 14, 1981
- 3 - 55Episode 55Apr. 13, 1981
- 3 - 54Episode 54Apr. 08, 1981
- 3 - 53Episode 53Apr. 07, 1981
- 3 - 52Episode 52Apr. 06, 1981
- 3 - 51Episode 51Apr. 01, 1981
- 3 - 50Nobita SupermanMar. 31, 1981
- 3 - 49Episode 49Mar. 30, 1981
- 3 - 48Episode 48Mar. 26, 1981
- 3 - 47Episode 47Mar. 25, 1981
- 3 - 46Episode 46Mar. 24, 1981
- 3 - 45Episode 45Mar. 23, 1981
- 3 - 44Episode 44Mar. 19, 1981
- 3 - 43Episode 43Mar. 18, 1981
- 3 - 42Episode 42Mar. 17, 1981
- 3 - 41Episode 41Mar. 16, 1981
- 3 - 40Episode 40Mar. 12, 1981
- 3 - 39Episode 39Mar. 11, 1981
- 3 - 38Episode 38Mar. 10, 1981
- 3 - 37Episode 37Mar. 09, 1981
- 3 - 36Episode 36Mar. 05, 1981
- 3 - 35Episode 35Mar. 04, 1981
- 3 - 34Episode 34Mar. 03, 1981
- 3 - 33Episode 33Mar. 02, 1981
- 3 - 32Episode 32Feb. 26, 1981
- 3 - 31Episode 31Feb. 25, 1981
- 3 - 301024 Times BonusFeb. 24, 1981
- 3 - 29Episode 29Feb. 23, 1981
- 3 - 28Episode 28Feb. 19, 1981
- 3 - 27Episode 27Feb. 18, 1981
- 3 - 26Episode 26Feb. 17, 1981
- 3 - 25Episode 25Feb. 16, 1981
- 3 - 24Episode 24Feb. 12, 1981
- 3 - 23Episode 23Feb. 11, 1981
- 3 - 22Episode 22Feb. 10, 1981
- 3 - 21Episode 21Feb. 09, 1981
- 3 - 20Episode 20Feb. 05, 1981
- 3 - 19Episode 19Feb. 04, 1981
- 3 - 18Nobita's Kingdom Underground (after)Feb. 03, 1981
- 3 - 17Nobita's Kingdom Underground (above)Feb. 02, 1981
- 3 - 16Episode 16Jan. 29, 1981
- 3 - 15Famous Painting CheckerJan. 28, 1981
- 3 - 14Episode 14Jan. 27, 1981
- 3 - 13Episode 13Jan. 26, 1981
- 3 - 12Episode 12Jan. 22, 1981
- 3 - 11Episode 11Jan. 21, 1981
- 3 - 10Exchanging Doing Things MachineJan. 20, 1981
- 3 - 9RumusuimaJan. 19, 1981
- 3 - 8Episode 8Jan. 15, 1981
- 3 - 7A La CrateJan. 14, 1981
- 3 - 6Others DreamJan. 13, 1981
- 3 - 5Poultry and FoodJan. 12, 1981
- 3 - 4Ghost PhoneJan. 08, 1981
- 3 - 3Diary at Any TimeJan. 07, 1981
- 3 - 2New Year's PartyJan. 06, 1981
- 3 - 1Sunrise SetJan. 05, 1981